Showing up for our kids

I spotted the telling pink blazer in front of a local coffee shop and had to seize the opportunity to introduce myself and Adventure Crew. Councilmember Meeka Owens greeted me, a stranger, with genuine warmth and enthusiasm, as much her hallmarks as her sharp pink wardrobe. 

I ran back to my car to grab a business card and an invitation to our annual event, Summits & Horizons. Sure enough, one week later, she joined us for Summits & Horizons and asked if she might visit our kids on a future adventure. 

Done ✔ and done ✔. 

On the first Saturday in February, Meeka rallied Councilmembers Reggie Harris and Mark Jeffreys, along with several of their aides, to join us at Perfect North Slopes to experience the excitement, camaraderie and confidence-boost that our teens do on each weekend outing.

All but one of their group were new to skiing and snowboarding, and with nearly 80 Crew kids out on the slopes that day, our City Council friends had a sizable squad to cheer them on. Showing up like this for our kids, experiencing the jitters and thrill of a new experience with them (not to mention the humbling experience of a first ski lesson!) matters. It shows our young people they care about learning alongside them, falling, getting up and ultimately, making it down the slopes together. 

Our sincerest thanks to Meeka, Reggie and Mark for diving into an Adventure Crew outing to learn with and from the kids, and a special shout-out to Tonya Banks from Meeka’s office for herding cats to make all this happen AND for putting on skis for her first lesson (she nailed it!). 

I have such immense gratitude for all the adults — volunteers, school advisors, staff, board members —who turn out each Saturday with humility and an open mind, showing our kids that grown-ups have much to learn from them. If you’ve been curious about volunteering with Adventure Crew, click here to sign up and learn more.

Thank you!

Libby Hunter